Member-only story
The Art of the Short Song
And the art of jamming 32 of them into an hour!
A story from Paul Combs popped up a few days back, in which he created a playlist of as many fast, rocking songs as possible to fill one hour. Paul borrowed the idea from Walter Bowne and ran with it, despite Walter’s piece not really announcing what he’d achieved as a challenge or prompt. It is such a great exercise though, that it is definitely worth treating as a challenge! So, nice work, Walter and Paul! Since then, Pierce McIntyre has had a go, and hopefully there will be a few more.
The short song can be difficult to create. There is certainly a skill in getting to the point in a succinct manner, trimming the excess, eliminating unnecessary filler. Forget the long intro, the extended solo, and the long-winded outro. Sometimes, less is more!
Here is my attempt at bringing together a collection of short songs to get you pumping through an hour!
I created my list of songs according to the following criteria (the first three as per Walter’s list), conditions and caveats:
- 60 minutes of music is required.
- The songs have to be ‘fast’, or rockers of some sort.
- Selections are limited to one song per artist.
- All of the selections are from my own…